
M. Rako Fabionar

M. RAKO FABIONAR is an educator, changemaker and mystic who creates transformative learning environments for people to experience deeper connection, insight, and well-being. He is sought after for his healing presence and capacity to support people during times of transition. Rako has over twenty years of experience designing equity and inclusion initiatives and integrative leadership programs for universities, community-based organizations, businesses, and change networks. He believes that systemic change requires engaging individual and collective shadow, and especially those traumas that persist from generation to generation. To support this kind of transformational work, Rako draws from developmental psychology, indigenous and other wisdom traditions, as well as insights from ethnic studies and regenerative design. He is the co-founder of Kinship Blooms, a social enterprise that draws from translineage insights (ancestral, cultural, intellectual and spiritual) to cultivate regenerative and equitable futures.

Rako is a founding Raven of Salmon Nation and a founding member of the Guild of Future Architects. He also stewards healing and transformative initiatives through the Center for Babaylan Studies, How We Deepen and Retreat Center Collaboration networks.

You can learn more about his work at www.kinshipblooms.life and www.rako.life.